Guild Leader: Arianamue
Guild Officer: Naxos

Beware of the higgls
Be careful if you go on shadow missions from now on with higgls.
Since yesterday he has the "Dragon Support" action, enabling him to call Adniel for help in the shadow realm. As you may know already this is dangerous for anyone nut just the enemies.
So if it has been dangerous around higgls in the past your chances to survive anywhere close to him tend against zero

Nah, I'm just kidding!
I'm really happy to see higgls making his way and I just wanted to congrantulate him.
I remember what a hard time I had convincing him to even do G1 and I can't be more proud to see him advancing and having found his own way of having fun in Mabinogi *feels touched*

Go higgls, go! Earn your cookies!

Related to this read the Post at the Things to know about Mabi - forum

18 Jun 2011 - 11:23 by arian    Generations |

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